Revisionist History and an Unnecessary Book
During my last visit to Chapters I found an interesting book called Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How
Mr Buchanan argues that had cabals in the British government in 1906 not decided to support
This is a rather broad and reductionist statement. 1906 was a very important year for other reasons too.
Any grade 10 history student should be able to tell you that the First World War was caused by a combination of “isms”: nationalism, militarism, and expansionism, crossed with a comedy of errors and miscalculations. Each of the major nations were either striving to create their own empire or prevent theirs from falling apart. It was only a matter of time before a conflict would break out. It seems simplistic to argue that it was the British that caused these events to take place. Furthermore, it was the German invasion of neutral
Mr Buchanan cites the Treaty of Versailles in helping to lead to the events that became the Second World War. This is one of the historically accurate arguments in his book – true enough that several people at the time of its signing also felt that it would lead to another war. Unfortunately for Mr Buchanan’s arguments, it was not so much the British, but the French that insisted on the brutal measures taken in the
To blame Churchill for the Second World War is very odd. He was the politician in
I find it somewhat alarming that My Buchanan is willing to sacrifice half of Asia and all of
It seems that Mr Buchanan should stick to what he’s good at - losing presidential elections.